-----Phase 1-----MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 2
This factory is home to many a dark secrets. You can see some random torture devices here, who put those here?! A locked purple glass case sits upon a table, inside is something you can't quite describe... maybe someone has the key? Next to the chest lays a bible.
There's a forklift here, looks like it's turned on, you don't see a way to get in it though.
A glove hangs on a rack, there's something peculiar about the knuckles.
From here, you can go to SPACE, the COURT or the BAZAAR.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
(There appears to be an airship docked at the outskirts of the factory...)
Marx [TehFriedWaffles]BOT08-Jul-21 05:22 PM
you just have to help me find this nova guy, i've got a request for him!
Claptrap [Akkrillic]BOT08-Jul-21 05:23 PM
Sure thing, friendo!
Marx [TehFriedWaffles]BOT08-Jul-21 05:24 PM
give me a call if you see something!
Claptrap [Akkrillic]BOT08-Jul-21 05:24 PM
Will do!
Scorpion [Superb]BOT08-Jul-21 05:25 PM
Scorpion [Superb]BOT08-Jul-21 05:32 PM
The Huebird loiters.
Claptrap looks around for the forklift controls, hmmm... doesn't seem like it's being controlled by the people here.
Marx grabs the purple case...
Bonk, bonk.
It hits the ground, unscathed.
It grabs the purple case!
Then deactivates.
The airship departs from the factory!
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 06:02 PM
Huebird moved to factory
Marx moved to factory
Claptrap moved to factory
Majora's Mask stayed here.
-----Phase 2-----MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 2
This factory is home to many a dark secrets. You can see some random torture devices here, who put those here?! On the table lays a bible.
There's a forklift here, looks like it's turned on, you don't see a way to get in it though. On the forklift's forks sits a locked purple glass case, inside is something you can't quite describe... maybe someone has the key?
A glove hangs on a rack, there's something peculiar about the knuckles.
From here, you can go to SPACE, the COURT or the BAZAAR.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 06:02 PM
Pinned a message.
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 06:02 PM
@EinsteinEinstein -- HEALTH: 2.5 @Skull KidSkull Kid -- HEALTH: 3 @ef ramEphraim -- HEALTH: 3 @MaackBroggy -- HEALTH: 3 Broggy has: gemstoneCLOTHING This gemstone feels very strange, perhaps they were made to fit in something?
@Majora's MaskMajora's Mask -- HEALTH: 3
Majora's Mask [ZelRaat]BOT08-Jul-21 06:03 PM
Einstein [Brinelex Brine]BOT08-Jul-21 06:03 PM
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:03 PM
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 06:03 PM
Aha, there it is! Hee hee hee... (would taking that comprise some sort of action?)
Einstein [Brinelex Brine]BOT08-Jul-21 06:03 PM
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 06:04 PM
Einstein [Brinelex Brine]BOT08-Jul-21 06:04 PM
(all actions that affect gameplay somehow have to be sent in the bot)
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 06:04 PM
Einstein [Brinelex Brine]BOT08-Jul-21 06:04 PM
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 06:04 PM
Einstein [Brinelex Brine]BOT08-Jul-21 06:04 PM
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 06:04 PM
Einstein [Brinelex Brine]BOT08-Jul-21 06:04 PM
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:04 PM
uh oh
Majora's Mask [ZelRaat]BOT08-Jul-21 06:04 PM
(what the dog doin)
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 06:05 PM
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:05 PM
Hey cube dog, hows it goin buddy
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 06:05 PM
Einstein [Brinelex Brine]BOT08-Jul-21 06:06 PM
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 06:06 PM
Einstein [Brinelex Brine]BOT08-Jul-21 06:06 PM
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 06:06 PM
Einstein [Brinelex Brine]BOT08-Jul-21 06:07 PM
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:07 PM
...are you friends now?
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 06:09 PM
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 06:10 PM
At least they stopped yapping at each other for now...
Majora's Mask [ZelRaat]BOT08-Jul-21 06:10 PM
The mask's eyes seem to focus on Skull Kid for a moment, but that was probably your imagination.
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:10 PM
Einstein [Brinelex Brine]BOT08-Jul-21 06:10 PM
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:11 PM
Kid, what is your plan with that mask?
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 06:11 PM
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 06:11 PM
I know this thing has great power sealed within it... I want to take it for my own!
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:12 PM
Interesting! What do you intend to do with that power?
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 06:12 PM
...I don't know yet. But whatever it is, it's going to be really awesome!
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:13 PM
Well... alright then.
Hey doggy, want to join my army?
All we have to do is attack something together.
Cat, did we get a support?
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 06:17 PM
And what're you suggesting you attack together?
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:17 PM
probably that glass case
we might be able to break it open and take whats inside
Einstein [Brinelex Brine]BOT08-Jul-21 06:18 PM
Einstein looks more interested by the book on the table.
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 06:19 PM
Eh? What do you want with that thing, cat?
Einstein [Brinelex Brine]BOT08-Jul-21 06:19 PM
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 06:19 PM
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 06:19 PM
That's probably the answer I should've expected...
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:20 PM
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 06:21 PM
What're you sighing about, lordling?
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:21 PM
Talking to animals is hard.
Also, how about you use the power from that mask to help me defeat the demon lord?
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 06:22 PM
Hmm... what's in it for me? Bonds and muscles?
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:22 PM
but also ya know
evil demon lord doesnt take over the world
seems pretty important
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 06:23 PM
I don't think I'll have to worry about that. Ehe...
Ephriam [404]BOT08-Jul-21 06:23 PM
Alright then...
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 06:24 PM
Broof Broof!
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 06:24 PM
But mmmmmmaybe if I'm feeling bored, that could be interesting. We'll see how I'm feeling.
Scorpion [Superb]BOT08-Jul-21 06:27 PM
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 06:52 PM
Einstein moved to factory
Skull Kid stayed here.
Ephraim moved to factory
Broggy moved to factory
Majora's Mask stayed here.
-----Phase 3-----MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 2
This factory is home to many a dark secrets. You can see some random torture devices here, who put those here?! On the table lays a bible.
There's a forklift here, looks like it's turned on, you don't see a way to get in it though. On the forklift's forks sits a locked purple glass case, inside is something you can't quite describe... maybe someone has the key?
A glove hangs on a rack, there's something peculiar about the knuckles.
From here, you can go to SPACE, the COURT or the BAZAAR.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
-----Phase 4-----MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 2
This factory is home to many a dark secrets. You can see some random torture devices here, who put those here?! On the table lays a bible.
There's a forklift here, looks like it's turned on, you don't see a way to get in it though. On the forklift's forks sits a locked purple glass case, inside is something you can't quite describe... maybe someone has the key?
A glove hangs on a rack, there's something peculiar about the knuckles.
From here, you can go to SPACE, the COURT or the BAZAAR.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 07:42 PM
Pinned a message.
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 07:42 PM
@vacantBroque Monsieur -- HEALTH: 3 Broque Monsieur has: questionblockBIG A square, yellow block with a white question mark on the side. There should be some kind of item in here, although what exactly it is is unknown.
Broque Monsieur has: questionblockBIG A square, yellow block with a white question mark on the side. There should be some kind of item in here, although what exactly it is is unknown.
@Skull KidSkull Kid -- HEALTH: 3 @Clive HandforthClive -- HEALTH: 3 @MarxMarx -- HEALTH: 3 Marx has: staressenceBIG The components that a star is made of. Legend has it that if you bring all star essences to Galactic Nova; you'll be granted with a wish...!
@ClaptarpClaptrap -- HEALTH: 3 @MaackBroggy -- HEALTH: 3 Broggy has: rodBIG GHWA-POW!
@Majora's MaskMajora's Mask -- HEALTH: 3 @lyzzie... -- HEALTH: 3
I could build you a sackbot if you'd like
you can tell it to do whatever you'd like
Majora's Mask [ZelRaat]BOT08-Jul-21 07:51 PM
The mask seems to be looking down its glass jar towards something.
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 07:51 PM
Skull Kid looks where the mask is looking.
Majora's Mask [ZelRaat]BOT08-Jul-21 07:52 PM
It appears to be looking at a keyhole.
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 07:52 PM
Yeah, buddy, I'm waiting for that too. We'll getcha outta there, I promise. Just wait a little longer for that robot thingy to do the thing, and we're golden.
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 07:52 PM
Majora's Mask [ZelRaat]BOT08-Jul-21 07:52 PM
Marx [TehFriedWaffles]BOT08-Jul-21 07:53 PM
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 07:53 PM
Broque Monsieur [Smittz]BOT08-Jul-21 07:53 PM
Oh, zat sounds magnifique! Trois heads must be better than deux, even if one is made of ze metal...
Lyon grumbles, it's the edgiest thing you've ever heard in your life.
The forklift activates!
And grabs..
Broque Monsieur!
The forklift deposits him on top of Broggy, who freaks out!
That was weird.
The airship (it was here, oops!) departs to space!
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 08:37 PM
Broque Monsieur moved to space
Skull Kid moved to court
Clive moved to space
Marx moved to court
Claptrap moved to space
Broggy moved to space
Majora's Mask stayed here.
... moved to space
-----Phase 5-----MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 2
This factory is home to many a dark secrets. You can see some random torture devices here, who put those here?! On the ground next to a table lays a bible.
There's a forklift here, looks like it's turned on, you don't see a way to get in it though. An opened glass case sits on the floor.
A glove hangs on a rack, there's something peculiar about the knuckles.
From here, you can go to SPACE, the COURT or the BAZAAR.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
The GM has manually moved Majora's Mask to another area.
Pink Huebird [Sammy6]BOT08-Jul-21 08:39 PM
dang I'm getting ghosted over here
Scorpion [Superb]BOT08-Jul-21 08:40 PM
truly a fuck
Hornet [Cathode]BOT08-Jul-21 08:53 PM
truly a tagliatelle
Scorpion [Superb]BOT08-Jul-21 08:58 PM
Scorpion [Superb]BOT08-Jul-21 09:07 PM
The Huebird takes the glove.
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 09:25 PM
Huebird moved to space
-----Phase 6-----MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 2
This factory is home to many a dark secrets. You can see some random torture devices here, who put those here?! On the ground next to a table lays a bible.
There's a forklift here, looks like it's turned on, you don't see a way to get in it though. An opened glass case sits on the floor.
From here, you can go to SPACE, the COURT or the BAZAAR.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 09:25 PM
Pinned a message.
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 09:25 PM
@Skull KidSkull Kid -- HEALTH: 3 Skull Kid has: majoraCLOTHING You are wearing a straaaangeeeee mask...
@Majora's MaskMajora's Mask -- HEALTH: 3
Skull Kid [Nuperopp591]BOT08-Jul-21 09:26 PM
Finally! We can talk in private.
Anyway, I wanna head to space and see it blow up. We'll leave before the impact, don't worry.
Skull Kid moved to space
Majora's Mask stayed here.
-----Phase 7-----MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 2
This factory is home to many a dark secrets. You can see some random torture devices here, who put those here?! On the ground next to a table lays a bible.
There's a forklift here, looks like it's turned on, you don't see a way to get in it though. An opened glass case sits on the floor.
From here, you can go to SPACE, the COURT or the BAZAAR.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 10:09 PM
Pinned a message.
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 10:09 PM
@EinsteinEinstein -- HEALTH: 2.5 @MarxMarx -- HEALTH: 3 Marx has: staressenceBIG The components that a star is made of. Legend has it that if you bring all star essences to Galactic Nova; you'll be granted with a wish...!
Marx has: staressenceBIG The components that a star is made of. Legend has it that if you bring all star essences to Galactic Nova; you'll be granted with a wish...!
@MaackBroggy -- HEALTH: 3 Broggy has: rodBIG GHWA-POW!
Broggy has: questionblockBIG A square, yellow block with a white question mark on the side. There should be some kind of item in here, although what exactly it is is unknown.
@Majora's MaskMajora's Mask -- HEALTH: 3
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 10:53 PM
Einstein moved to bazaar
Marx moved to space
Broggy stayed here.
-----Phase 8-----MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 2
This factory is home to many a dark secrets. You can see some random torture devices here, who put those here?! On the ground next to a table lays a bible.
There's a forklift here, looks like it's turned on, you don't see a way to get in it though. An opened glass case sits on the floor.
From here, you can go to SPACE, the COURT or the BAZAAR.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 10:53 PM
Pinned a message.
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 10:53 PM
@MaackBroggy -- HEALTH: 3 Broggy has: rodBIG GHWA-POW!
Broggy has: questionblockBIG A square, yellow block with a white question mark on the side. There should be some kind of item in here, although what exactly it is is unknown.
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 10:53 PM
breaking character, where the hell is smittz???
Scorpion [Superb]BOT08-Jul-21 11:00 PM
(No idea what happened, likely he'll get godkilled)
Broggy [Maack]BOT08-Jul-21 11:00 PM
damn it
Hornet [Cathode]BOT08-Jul-21 11:00 PM
[its fucked but what can u do]
Scorpion [Superb]BOT08-Jul-21 11:11 PM
Locking soon.
Scorpion [Superb]BOT08-Jul-21 11:30 PM
Broggy slams the rod around.
MysteryBotBOT08-Jul-21 11:40 PM
Broggy moved to bazaar
MysteryBotBOT09-Jul-21 12:21 AM
-----Phase 10-----MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 2
This factory is home to many a dark secrets. You can see some random torture devices here, who put those here?! On the ground next to a table lays a bible.
There's a forklift here, looks like it's turned on, you don't see a way to get in it though. An opened glass case sits on the floor.
From here, you can go to SPACE, the COURT or the BAZAAR.
Original message was deleted or could not be loaded.
MysteryBotBOT09-Jul-21 12:21 AM
Pinned a message.
MysteryBotBOT09-Jul-21 12:21 AM
@Henry TownsneedHenry -- HEALTH: 2.25 Henry has: icepickBIG A professional looking ice pick, used to absolutely pwn ice. Be careful, this thing is sharp!
@Based and GlasspilledNASA Employee -- HEALTH: 3
Henry Townshend [Pablo Smith]BOT09-Jul-21 12:22 AM
alone yet again
oh wait theres an employee here hello
NASA Employee Tay [Tay]BOT09-Jul-21 12:23 AM
No, not quite alone.
Hello there, I'm a member of the recently-formed organization NASA.
Henry Townshend [Pablo Smith]BOT09-Jul-21 12:24 AM
do i know you from somewhere
you seem very familiar
NASA Employee Tay [Tay]BOT09-Jul-21 12:25 AM
Well- hm, it's possible. I had a few other jobs before NASA formed. Either way, that's not why I'm here.
Am I correct when I say that your apartment was recently rendered- well, a bit inoperable?
Henry Townshend [Pablo Smith]BOT09-Jul-21 12:27 AM
NASA Employee Tay [Tay]BOT09-Jul-21 12:28 AM
Right, well, first of all, I'm glad you're unharmed. Second, I regret to inform you that that incident was an unfortunate- but necessary!- step in our mission to destroy the moon.
Henry Townshend [Pablo Smith]BOT09-Jul-21 12:29 AM
Excuse me
I hope you guys are going to be paying me back for a new apartment
One that is preferably not haunted and someone's mother
NASA Employee Tay [Tay]BOT09-Jul-21 12:31 AM
Well, ah, hm.
One moment, let me speak to my colleagues.
Henry Townshend [Pablo Smith]BOT09-Jul-21 12:31 AM
take your time
NASA Employee Tay [Tay]BOT09-Jul-21 12:33 AM
Well, unfortunately, we don't have the funding to spare to purchase another apartment for you. Defeating space is very expensive, you know.
But, I do have an offer to help!
See, you're currently the only person we know of who's experienced a moon crashing into the earth first-hand.
We at NASA would like to offer you a job- which should help you pay for a new apartment!
Let me get our mission statement here, see if you agree with it.
...hang on, it's in one of these pockets here...
Henry Townshend [Pablo Smith]BOT09-Jul-21 12:37 AM
Henry Townshend [Pablo Smith]BOT09-Jul-21 12:38 AM
yeah fuck the moon
NASA Employee Tay [Tay]BOT09-Jul-21 12:39 AM
Now, the first thing you should know is that our deep-space sensors have detected an all-new threat descending on Earth.
Henry Townshend [Pablo Smith]BOT09-Jul-21 12:39 AM
and that is?
NASA Employee Tay [Tay]BOT09-Jul-21 12:41 AM
You may be aware that space is famously known as "the one place not corrupted by capitalism".
We have become aware of someone named Marx appearing from space.
Scorpion [Superb]BOT09-Jul-21 12:41 AM
Locking soon.
Henry Townshend [Pablo Smith]BOT09-Jul-21 12:41 AM
i'm not going to die from this right?
NASA Employee Tay [Tay]BOT09-Jul-21 12:43 AM
But, I don't know if that fight will come sooner or later, so we shouldn't worry about it right now.
Oh, and, uh... probably not?
Henry Townshend [Pablo Smith]BOT09-Jul-21 12:43 AM
alright then
well i guess i'll just rest up and enjoy my choccy milk
Scorpion [Superb]BOT09-Jul-21 12:44 AM
Scorpion [Superb]BOT09-Jul-21 12:53 AM
Henry drinks his choccy milk.
Sure, his apartment got fucking destroyed by a governmental institution, but they gave him a job!